I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
All your needs met
through Christ Jesus.
We at Powered By Christ Church consider it a privilege to have you worship the Lord with us. Our purpose is to bring salvation to the lost, perfect the saints, build up the believers in the faith and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to provide Christian fellowship for those of like precious faith.
If you are not presently attending any particular fellowship where the Word of God is being taught and lived uncompromisingly, we would like to invite you to join us again and pray about becoming a part of our church.
If you are not presently attending any particular fellowship where the Word of God is being taught and lived uncompromisingly, we would like to invite you to join us again and pray about becoming a part of our church.

Latest Sermon
Gathering Times
10:00am (Worship Service)
11:00am (Children's Church)
Wednesday6:30pm (Prayer/Worship Service)
Friday6:30pm - 9:30pm (Evangelistic Outreach)